a woman writing in an empty journal

Bullet Journaling and Its Benefits

Journaling requires a commitment, and there is no better way to build discipline than by bullet journaling itself. What you can do with bullet journaling goes beyond simply writing what goes on in your daily life. Grab a dotted notebook or journal and join Splash Tears on the self-care quest of learning how to organize your life on paper.

At Glance Activities

Having your daily duties and goals written down on paper makes it easy to stay organized throughout your day. Write down your most important daily tasks and finish the biggest one first, as recommended by Brian Tracy, author of Eat That Frog. According to Tracy, only 3% of adults have clear, written goals. People who do that can then accomplish five to ten times as much as people of equal or better education and ability but who fail to write out exactly what they want to achieve in their life.

Sense of Accomplishment

Having your duties and activities listed by priority gives you a sense of accomplishment because you can then strike each activity when completed. Feeling accomplished will prompt you to do more, be more productive, and feel happier about yourself. Choose a page for daily tasks. Make it aesthetic or as simple as you desire. It is your journal, so you get to choose the style, colors, and general appearance. As long as you maintain a daily sense of organization and get things done, you are doing it right.

Better Time-Management

Having all your tasks readily available saves you time by not figuring out what to do next, thereby improving your time management and productivity. Plan out your days or a week ahead of time. Include everything in your day, from work duties to personal goals, to things you’ve wanted to do but have not made time for, such as painting, renovating your home, learning how to cook, yoga, meditation, reading, or other self-improvement activities that may interest you. Keep Splash Tears with you to hydrate your eyes after extended reading sessions or long hiking adventures.

Keep Good Track of your Health

Another great benefit of bullet journaling is that you can track your diet, periods, workouts, aches, and other illnesses by keeping a journal of your health. By doing this, you will have a great understanding of your physical state, and if things fall short, you will be able to seek help immediately. Choose a page per month and write down your period arrival date and accompanying symptoms. If you notice you often feel low energy or have brain fog around a particular day of the month, you can then be more mindful around those days and extend kindness to yourself, knowing that you are not mad but that your body is going through hormonal changes. You may notice blurry vision or your eyes get dry around certain days of the month or based on activities. You can then take measures such as drinking more water, using eye drops like Splash Tears, or wearing blue light glasses to mitigate the symptoms. Just like this, you can track many health-related things, and as a result, you’ll live a much healthier life.

General Journaling

And last but not least, simply journal. Use your bullet journal to write down your daily thoughts, fears, inquiries, desires, and whatever things you need to vent about. You don’t always have to dump your thoughts and feelings on your friends. In fact, you shouldn’t. Be introspective and listen to your inner self, allowing you to understand better who you are, thereby improving your relationships with those around you. Writing down our feelings is cathartic and releases you from that energy. Use your bullet journal wisely and creatively, and soon enough, you will see your life improve drastically.

a woman filling out her bullet journal happy

Splash Tears hopes you give bullet journaling a chance. If you do, show us how your journal is going by using our hashtags #SplashTears and #AlwaysOnTheGo. Keep Splash Tears around, so those perky dry eye symptoms never stop you. Get on journaling, write your goals and chase them every day until you are satisfied.

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